I wonder how well the meanings match of the Icelandic and English
cognates heiðr : heath. Where I live, in the east of England, a
is upland, a plateau, not as good farmland as the lowland, and
traditionally used for pasture rather than agriculture, but often
cultivated nowadays thanks to improved technology.

Hi IIlama,

Here a heath is upland, a plateau, not as good farmland as the
lowland, and traditionally used for pasture rather than agriculture.

Sometime when we were overpopulated People lived in "HeiðarBýli".
"Býli" kind af habitations.
Heið'i/'ar but
Heið'r/urs [He Rún'ar'inn was named ur, but She rún'in úr]is honor.
The vegetation of the heath is apt to our climate: inferior to yours.

They are Vell'ir. From Völl'um. One is Völl'ur he is from Vell'i.
the root is realy Vell. Svell is what? Flat ice surface.
Plateau (See Flat á) is high flat surface.

Vellir are not necessarily at high point.
As water "vellir" (flows
þú hellir (pour

the out come has most often flat surface.

Wall is also flat.
"GrasVellir" are necessarily grassy flat surfaces.

"Vald" is "ald" under V(end) that you name Power.
"Vald" is related to "Val" that is choice [see al of V].
If you have choice you can vote that is kind of power.

The wood/forest of Germany gave the power against the Romans
I rekon my ancient relatives there considered Forest matches "Vald"
Germans spell it "Wald". The true meaning of Val or Vald was not
censured here in Iceland as elsewhere before I reckon: so it

Thanks Uoden
Think root of Furze in German (see bowels or tripa in Portuguese)
90 percent of The Icelandic female DNA Map is more from Britain
than Norway. 70% of the Males, but we were "under" Norwegian Lords
from ca 1232 to ca 1550 nearly 300 years. That makes enumeration.
I Reckon. Is German ambiguous? Icelandic is at least to aliens.