Here’s my translation and grammar notes. Comments welcome on any point but particularly on the underlined passages:


býzk: (line 635) Is this 3rd pers sg of bjóðask?

þurfu:  (line 640) Why is this 3rd person plural when ‘hvers’ is singular?

vant er við vándum at sjá: (lines 643-4)

illt: (line 652) Is this behaving as an adverb or noun? ie ‘much has arisen badly from him’ or ‘much badness has arisen from him’?





Sámr setti bú á Aðalbóli eptir Hrafnkel, ok síðan efnir hann

Sám established a farm at Aðalból after Hrafnkel, and afterwards puts on

veizlu virðuliga ok býðr til öllum þeim, sem verit höfðu

a magnificent feast and invites to (it) all those, who had been

635 þingmenn hans. Sámr býzk til at vera yfirmaðr þeira í stað

his (ie Hrafnkel’s) followers at the Thing. Sám offers himself to be their chieftain in place

Hrafnkels, Menn játuðusk undir þat ok hugðu þó enn misjafnt

of Hrafnkel. (The) men agreed to that and (but) thought still nevertheless with uncertainty (ie had misgivings, mixed feelings)


about (that).

Þjóstarssynir réðu honum þat, at hann skyldi vera blíðr ok

Thjóstar´s sons advised him that, that he should be gracious and

góðr fjárins ok gagnsamr sínum mönnum, styrktarmaðr hvers,

good (generous) of property and helpful to his men, a benefactor of each

640 sem hans þurfu við. 'Þá eru þeir eigi menn, ef þeir fylgja þér

who (whoever) has need of him. ‘Then they are not men, if they support you

eigi vel, hvers sem þú þarft við.
En því ráðum vit þér þetta, at

not well, each who (whoever) you have need of. But (in) that (matter), we advise you this, that

vit vildim, at þér tœkisk allt vel, því at þú virðisk okkr vaskr

we would want, that everything turns out well for you, because you seem to us (two) a brave

maðr. Gættu nú vel til, ok vertu varr um þik, af því at vant er

man. Take (you) good care now, and be (you) aware (of things) about you, because (it) is difficult

við vándum at sjá.'

against evil to see (be on guard).

645 Þjóstarssynir létu senda eptir Freyfaxa ok liði hans ok

Thjóstar’s sons caused to send after Freyfaxi and his herd and

kváðusk vilja sjá gripi þessa, er svá gengu miklar sögur af. Þá

declared themselves to want to see these valuable animals, about which many stories thus went (ie were current). Then

váru hrossin heim leídd. Þeir brœðr líta á hrossin.

the mares were led home. Those brothers look at the mares.

Þorgeirr mælti: 'Þessi hross lítask mér þörf búinu. Er þat

Thorgeir spoke. ’These mares look to me necessary for the farm. That is

mitt ráð, at þau vinni slíkt, er þau megu, til gagnsmuna,

my advice, that they work such, as they are able, at useful things,

650 þangat til er þau megu eigi lifa fyrir aldrs sökum. En hestr

until when the are not able to live for reasons of old age. But this stallion

þessi sýnisk mér eigi betri en aðrir hestar, heldr því verri, at

seems to me not better than other stallions, rather worse (for) that (matter), so that

margt illt hefir af honum hlotizk. Vil ek eigi, at fleiri víg

much ill has arisen from him. I do not want, that more slayings

hljótisk af honum en áðr hafa af honum orðit. Mun þat nú

arise from him than have already happened from him. That will now (be)

makligt, at sá taki við honum, er hann á.'

fitting, that that one (he) take (receipt) of him, who owns him.’

Grammar notes:


Sámr                             Sámr: (n)                       nom sg                          Sám

setti                               setja: (v)                        3s past ind                     established

                                 bú: (n)                           acc sg                           farm

á                                                                                                             at

Aðalbóli                         Aðalból: (n)                    dat sg                            Aðalból

eptir                                                                                                         after

Hrafnkel,                        Hrafnkell: (n)                  acc sg                           Hrafnkel

ok                                                                                                           and

síðan                                                                                                       afterwards

efnir                               efna: (v)                         3s pres ind                     performs

hann                              hann: (pron)                   nom sg                          he

veizlu                             veizla: (n)                       acc sg                           feast

virðuliga                         virðuligr: (adj)                  acc sg                           magnificent

ok                                                                                                           and

býðr                               bjóða:                            3s pres ind                     invites

til                                                                                                            to (it)

öllum                             allr: (pron)                      dat pl                             all

þeim,                             sá: (pron)                       dat pl                             those,

sem                                                                                                         who

verit                               vera: (v)                          pp                                 been

höfðu                             hafa: (v)                         3p past ind                     had


þingmenn                       þingmaðr: (n)                  nom pl                           followers at the Thing

hans.                             hann: (pron)                   gen sg                           his.

Sámr                             Sámr: (n)                       nom sg                          Sám

býzk                              bjóðask: (v refl)               3s pres ind                     offers himself

til                                                                                                            to (this)

at                                                                                                            to

vera                               vera: (v)                          inf                                 be

yfirmaðr                         yfirmaðr: (n)                   nom sg                          chieftain

þeira                              sá: (pron)                       gen pl                            their

í                                                                                                              in

stað                               staðr: (n)                        acc sg                           place

Hrafnkels,                      Hrafnkell: (n)                  gen sg                           (of) Hrafnkel.

Menn                             maðr: (n)                        nom pl                           Men

játuðusk                         játask: (v refl)                 3p past ind                     committed themselves

undir                                                                                                        to

þat                                þat: (pron)                      acc sg                           that

ok                                                                                                           and

hugðu                            hyggja: (v)                      3p past ind                     thought

þó                                                                                                           still

enn                                                                                                          further

misjafnt                                                                                                    with misgivings

til.                                                                                                           about (it)

Þjóstarssynir                  Þjóstarsonr: (n)              gen pl                            Thjóstar´s sons

réðu                               ráða: (v)                         3p past ind                     advised

honum                           hann: (pron)                   dat sg                            him

þat,                               þat: (pron)                      acc sg                           that,

at                                                                                                            that

hann                              hann: (pron)                   nom sg                          he

skyldi                            skulu: (v)                        3s past subj                   should

vera                               vera: (v)                          inf                                 be

blíðr                               blíðr: (adj)                      nom sg                          gracious

ok                                                                                                           and

góðr                               góðr: (adj)                      nom sg                          good

fjárins                            fé: (n)                            gen sg                           of wealth

ok                                                                                                           and

gagnsamr                       gagnsamr: (adj)              nom sg                          helpful

sínum                            sinn: (pron)                    dat pl                             (to) his

mönnum,                       maðr: (n)                        dat pl                             men,

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