From Króka-Refs saga, ch. 16

Narfi mælti: "Það er satt," sagði hann, "að þér er alls kostar illa
gefið. Þú berst á meira en menn og þykist mikill fyrir þér og gerir
mörgum skömm en nú veistu ekki hversu þú skalt láta eða þér breyta,
svo ertu hræddur. Bústu svo við fyrir því að ekki mun nú tjá að
friðmælast." [ ].

If you're interested in tracking this one down, Patricia, it's a
little past half way through the chapter, I think (always supposing
your translation has the same chapter numbers...). The hero Refr,
here in disguise and calling himself Narfi, has just spotted one of
the king's men, a certain ne'r-do-well by the name of Grani, trying
to force himself on Refr's wife. Refr (Narfi) gives chase. When
Grani realises he's not fast enough to get away, he turn to face
Refr and begs for his life. This is Refr's (Narfi's) reply.

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