Now that should help enormously, LN thank you - proceeds to remain silent and be thought
a fool rather than continue and remove all doubt
----- Original Message -----
From: llama_nom
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 12:49 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Miscellanea Section L Subsection (iii)

> Here is the third and final subsection from Gordon's Section L,
> Miscellanea. No muddy verse in this one so hopefully no one will get
> bogged down.

No, but easy to get into a twist here...  Those determined not to look
up the answer in Gordon's notes might like to know that 'sút þvengs
leiðar' is a fiendish double kenning.  No shame in not getting this!

Ek hefi lagða lykkju
(LEIÐAR ÞVENGS) of heiði
(snotr minnisk þess svanni)
(SÚT) fyr Jórðán útan;
en hykk at þó þykki
þangat langt at ganga
(blóð fell varmt á víðan
völl) heimdrögum öllum.

A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.


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