Hann ferr nú síðan suðr með landi ok í Vík austr ok þá til Danmerkr, ok
He goes now afterwards south along the country and in Vík east and then
to Denmark, and

er þá uppi hverr penningr fjárins, ok verðr hann þá biðja matar bæði
then money (to feed?) for the animal was used up, and he had to ask then
(for)food both

fyrir sik og fyrir dýrit. Hann kømr á fund ármanns Sveins konungs,
for himself and for the beast. He comes to a meeting King Swein’s steward

þess er Áki hét, ok bað hann vista nakkvarra bæði fyrir sik og fyrir
whose name was Áki, and asks (him for) some food and lodgings both for
himself and for

dýrit: "ek ætla" segir hann, "at gefa Sveini konungi dýrit."
the animal, “I intend,” he says, “to give the animal to King Svein.”


Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.