Hi Laurel,
Well done!  This didn't seem to present you with any particular problems.  Just a couple of times you translate fara and once kaupir with the past tense.  I know this fits in with English grammar 'cos we don't usually change tenses mid-sentence, so that's a fair argument for doing it like that, but at college we have to give fairly literal translations in order to prove we have grasped the grammar!  Personally, I don't mind a literal translation so long as it doesn't produce complete pidgin English :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: Laurel Bradshaw
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Þáttr Auðunar continued! / Laurel

Ok nú fara þeir útan heðan, ok fersk þeim vel,
and - now - travel - they - abroad - from here - and - fares - to them - well
And so they sailed away from Iceland, and their journey went well,
ok var Auðun of vetrinn eptir með Þóri stýrimanni;
and - was - Auðun - over - the winter - (with vera) to remain behind - with - Þórir - shipcaptain
and Audun spent the winter with Thorir the skipper;
hann átti bú á Moeri. 
he - owned - a farm - in - Moeri
who owned a farm in Moray.  [in the Orkneys, I presume?]
Ok um sumarit eptir fara þeir út til Groenlands,
and - in - the summer - following - travel - they - out - to - Groenland
The next summer they sailed to Greenland,
ok eru þar of vetrinn. 
and - are - there - over - the winter
and spent the winter there.
Þess er við getit, at Auðun kaupir þar bjarndýri eitt,
of this - it is - concerning - told - that - Auðun - bought - there - a bear - a certain
Concerning this (visit), it is told that Audun bought a certain bear there,
gørsimi mikla, ok gaf fyrir alla eigu sína. 
treasure - great - and - gave - for it - all - owned - he
a great treasure, for which he gave everything he owned.
Ok nú of sumarit eptir fara þeir aptr til Nóregs,
and - now - over - the summer - following - travel - they - back - to - Norvegr
And so the following summer they sailed back to Norway,
ok verða vel reiðfara.
and - takes place - well - a journey/passage
and had a good voyage.

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