I managed to forget all grammar over the summer! I like seeing the
different translations so would prefer to do each one.

Maðr hét Auðun, vestfirzkr at kyni ok félítill.
A man was called A. of the West Firth district as regards kin and poor.

Hann fór útan vestr þar í fjörðum með umráði Þorsteins bónda góðs,
He took passage west there in the fjords with the help of Thorstein, a
good farmer

ok Þóris stýrimanns, er þar hafði þegit vist of vetrinn með Þorsteini.
And of Thori, a (ship’s)captain, who there had accepted to stay the
winter with Thorstein.

Auðun var ok þar, ok starfaði fyrir honum Þóri, ok þá þessi laun af
Auðun was also there, and worked for him, Thori, and (I also originally
translated þá as then) received for this (work) reward of

honum, útanferðina ok hans umsjá. Hann Auðun lagði mestan hluta fjár,
him, passage abroad and his care. He, A., left the largest part of his

þess er var, fyrir móður sína, áðr hann stigi á skip, ok var kveðit á
which there was, for his mother, before he went on board, and it was
declared (enough)

þriggja vetra björg.
subsistence for three winters.



Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.