> Here is what Faulkes seems to have come up with:
> "And on the island,
> instead of the Vidrir [warrior]
> of the mail-coat's [warrior's] troll-wife [axe],
> the victory-preventing witch of a woman had her way."

An afterthought here. Translating 'nam ráða' as
"had her way" rather than "ruled" brings the stanza
even more into line with Snorri's account. The thing
the witch (Hildr) had her way about is then presumably
the battle - which Héðinn (the warrior) wanted to avoid.

So, ignoring petty insignificant details like the fact
that 'fengr' doesn't mean "victory" and 'eyða' doesn't
mean "prevent" I'd say this is a pretty good translation :)
