On Thu, 2004-01-15 at 07:43, Thomas Lindblom wrote:

> Interesting...very interesting it must be a very old word since no
> warrior oarsmen have been rowing around in those waters for a very
> long time.These warriors must have been vikings, or?


> And if they were wikings they must have visited the land which today is
> called Russia and why not some of the Finnish tribes.

Finns were all over, man.

Finns were large, large chunks of Northern Europe except for little
communities of other groups.

I thought everyone knew this.

Things were pretty settled and had been for many thousands of years
before the Black Sea filled up. Then all of the people who had been
living there had to live somewhere else. Unfortunately, there were
already people living there. There was a very bad period that lasted
a long time.

A similar thing happened in North America around 800 - 1000 AD, only
with a climate change instead of a sea filling up. One can be understood
by looking at the other.

This can all be correlated with Snorri's version of things.

