
I've become intrigued by this way of insulting people.
To take the Modern(ish) Icelandic "Þvættikollurinn þinn!", to analyse this as YOUR RUBBISH BRAIN would seem a bit odd, as it is more the equivalent of YOU RUBBISH BRAIN; what if we analyse it as RUBBISH BRAIN OF YOU (the OF being analogous to the OF in e.g. AN IDIOT OF A MAN)? The genitive of þú is þín; as the feminine possessive pronoun has the same form, could this then have been adjusted to the masculine þinn to make it gender appropriate?
Isn't the distinction between þín (of you) and þinn/þín/þitt a grey one anyway?

Am I right in seeing an analogy between ÞVÆTTIKOLLURINN ÞINN and BIKKJUNA HANS?

