3b. gekk síðan inn í hơllina, ok var þar fátt manna.
fátt=noun of fár=a few                Yes
manna=plur. gen. of maðr= of men    Yes
he goes - afterwards - into - the hall - and - were - there - a few - of men
then he went  into the hall, and there were a few men there.    Yes
fátt could be translated as either "few" or "a few" which are (to me anyway) semantically different in English i.e. there were not many people, or there were some people.  Because fátt is a noun, does that point to one or the other?  Is there an adjectival form?  I guess I'm taking a noun to mean "a few" rather than "few" but maybe it doesn't have that distinction?  Would men always be genitive, or could there be other constructions?