<irony>Who needs discussions when you can have spoon feeding?</irony>

The One Without Name sent me this translation of the
first three strophes of the Icelandic rune poem.


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- with selected variants (after Page 1999) -

No definitive text is possible. The variants are too
extensive. Below, only those variants have been included
which provide reasonable sense.

The below is a simplified version of Page's attempt at
a text, with selected variants in square brackets. The
translation is mostly Page's, although its accuracy has
been slightly improved.

01:1 F er frænda róg
01:2 ok fyrða gaman [flæðar viti A ; Fáfnis bani JOa ; Fáfnis beðr OV]
01:3 ok grafseiðs gata. [grafþvengs gata B ; þegna þræta JOa]

01:1 F is kinsmen's strife
01:2 and men's delight [flood-tide's beacon, Fáfnir's bane, Fáfnir's bed]
01:3 and grave-fish's path. [grave-thong's path, thains' quarrel]

02:1 U er skýja grátr
02:2 ok skára þverrir [skarar þverrir?]
02:3 ok hirðis hatr. [versta veðr OV]

02:1 U is clouds' tears
02:2 and hay's destroyer [ice-rim's diminisher?]
02:3 and herdsman's hate. [foul weather]

03:1 Þ er kvenna kvöl
03:2 ok kletta íbúi
03:3 ok Valrúnar verr. [Varðrúnar verr C+ ; síðförull seggr B ; hamra
heimramr RJ]

03:1 Þ is women's torment
03:2 and cliffs' inhabitant
03:3 and Valrún's husband. [Varðrún's husband, late-night traveller, mighty