First the important thing: Getting the language into a computer
isn't the same thing as getting it into your head.
(ok, I guess everybody knew that ;)

Haukur wrote in response to Tom:
>> Not to be disrespectful, but why do the Icelanders convert the ON texts into
>> Modern Icelandic? I don't understand that...
>The short answer is: "For ease of reading."
>The long answer is so long that I won't even
>summarize it :)

Hail Hawk!

Actually I think it is nice that there are modern Icelandic versions.
Because if an ON text gives me difficulties, I can look at the modern
Icelandic version, and then I can use the tools that exist for modern
Icelandic. Thus I have two sets of tools available, and that allows me
to solve far more problems than with only one set.

Also remember that the "normalized" version of Old Norse, as for example
in ÍF, as it was mentioned, is also quite close to modern Icelandic, and
that it must have been deliberately chosen like that, in order to make
certain things easier. I have a copy of the sagabook "Fagrskinna" that
illustrates this quite well, and maybe I can submit some text samples
to the list, so that the differences can be made explicit.

That is: I will submit a sample of what is called (I think) sometimes
"diplomatic" version. And then the same text in the "normalized"

Here is an even simple project:
Produce an electronic copy of all the WORDS in Zoega.
That is, a list that does not include any word explanations, only
the words. That would be truly useful for a lot of people.
Then, after that is done, one can create sublists of all male nouns,
all female nouns, all neuter nouns, all strong verbs, all weak verbs,
all adjectives, all adverbs, all prepositions, all pronouns etc..

But the first task of merely creating the word list, will be a major
task in itself. My recommendation is to keep the original Zoega
page numbering, because it will be much easier to proofread then.
Then once the word list is done, it can be published on the net,
and copying allowed under the GNU licence or something like that.
(it is important that there is an official version - otherwise it
will give rise to endless confusion)

Best regards

PS There also exists a separate mailing list created to handle
that kind of work for the zoega dictionary. To subscribe
send a mail to