Tom Wulf wrote:

> My Master's Thesis was to create an Old Norse Morphological Parser.
> Specifically, I created a two-step generative Morph. Parser for Old Norse.
> I'll explain this directly. Sorry if this is old hat for the linguists on
> the list. I am a better Computer scientist than ON Scholar or linguist...

That's very interesting! There seem to be all sorts
of talented people on this list.

I once wrote a German to Icelandic converter
(in QBasic:) that used some simple laws that
connect the two languages (for example German
d is Icelandic þ, German t is Icelandic d and
German z is Icelandic t) to turn a German text
into something slightly more readable for an

That's nothing, though. Óskar has worked out
a Common Orthography for all living Germanic
languages :) Maybe I can get him to post it
to this list.

> Not to be disrespectful, but why do the Icelanders convert the ON texts into
> Modern Icelandic? I don't understand that...

The short answer is: "For ease of reading."
The long answer is so long that I won't even
summarize it :)

Best regards,