Y'know.... I told Joe about this a while back, he said I should post it to the list, but I refused because it IS a limited pressing... :)


In a message dated Wed, 13 Jun 2001 9:40:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Steven T. Hatton" <hattons@...> writes:

<< On Friday 04 May 2001 06:14, you wrote:
> <html><body>
> <tt>
> <BR>
> > Major publishing event:<BR>
> > <BR>
> > An Icelandic publisher, in cooperation with the<BR>
> > University of Iceland, has just published a<BR>
> > commemorative edition of the Codex Regius (King's<BR>
> > Book) of the Eddaic poems, aka GKS 2365 4to.<BR>
> <BR>
> The list price of the book is ISK 19800. Boksala<BR>
> Studenta (University Bookstore) is offering a special<BR>
> 10% discount off this price, making it ISK 17800.<BR>
> <BR>
> For buyers abroad, the Icelandic VAT (14%) will be<BR>
> subtracted - thus the final price will be approx.<BR>
> ISK 15600, equivalent to 153 dollars.<BR>
> <BR>
> Regards<BR>
> Eysteinn<BR>
> <BR>
> </tt>
> <br>

Are there still coppies of this available? How would I order?



Sumir hafa kvæði...
..aðrir spakmæli.

- Keth

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