>I took a look. Concratulations!
>But I note the page numbers are missing from the GIF's.
>For example, in my copy, the last page "ÖXL ÖXUL-TRÉ"
>has the PAGE NUMBER "[532]" right in the middle above
>the column divide line.

Heill Keth,

Some of the scans that Sean did have the page numbers chopped off. The .GIF
files are in the order that he had them scanned. I can add the page numbers
to the ones that were chopped off but that is about as much as I can do
unless Sean rescans for me.

>Page numbers are nice if you want to use the dictionary
>as reference. Also, the fact that the GIF's are black
>will cause ugly printouts, if you want to take out a page
>or two on a printer. (e.g.for ease of proofreading)
>But maybe printers can be told to print reverse images?
>At any rate, I think the default ought to be b on w.

>The images are also a bit wide for my screen. My impression
>is that a size reduction would not hurt. But probably the
>present size is an advantage for the OCR process (?)

On the size and the color, again those are how the files came to me and my
main priority was to get them up quickly so the dictionary could be of use to
the most people, but now that I do have them up and can start making some
adjustments. I wanted to keep the originals large for OCR but I can reduce
them now and also do a negative image on the .GIF's. I have a test image up
It looks pretty good on my screen. I am hoping a few people can go check it
out to see if it looks good for everyone. If so then I'll start working on
converting them. The image I have there is 751 pixels wide. I won't be
able to get it done very quick but I'll work on switching them gradully
perhaps 10 pages each day until I get them done.

>In any case, I think you already have a workable dictionary
>on-line, which deserves every ones compliments!




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