Hello again Dictionary Enthusiasts!
After I posted page 1, I corrected a couple of typing errors.
I believe there are very few typos now. The file can be now
found at:


Please take a look, and say what you think!

There was one problem with printing, that I believe I
solved. What happened was that everything looked fine
when viewed with the browser. But when I tried to
print the page, it turned out the two-column TABLE
was too narrow. The result was that the printer skipped
many lines, and "Zoëga's Page One" came out of the printer
as TWO pages. Well, I just made the TABLE a bit wider, and
now the output on my printer looks just fine. I think
the reason is that screen and printer fonts are not always
of the same relative size, and that causes problems
portioning out the right amount of space for the columns.
Now the columns are a little wider. But it doesn't hurt
the looks of it, although I am not getting the two
columns as closely together as in Zoëga's original.

Points to be discussed:
1) I made line breaks that exactly matches Zoëga's.
That way proofreading is much facilitated, because one
can now read line by line in parallell. This is to be
recommended - at least until the file has been thoroughly
proofread. Then the unnecessary line-breaks can be removed.
(only if one wishes)

2) Tabs. Zoëga's dictionary uses some very slight "tabs"
(=insets) in front of each key word. That is nice. But
in "Netscape Composer" (the html editor I used), there
wasn't an obvious "tab function" present. Maybe this doesn't
matter, since all keywords have been printed in boldface,
the way Zoëga has them too. But if any one knows a simple way
of putting in html tabs, it should be considered.

3) Spaces before semicolons. Zoëga separates different meanings
of a word by means of semi-colons. I think Zoëga uses a space
not only after each such semi-colon, but also before. I have
tried to be consistent, and put a speace before all semi-colons
without exception. (makes for easier reading)

4) Something I cannot make out, but which *might* be the case,
is to print all semi-colons in boldface, since many printers
make them very thin. (?)

5) Font size: I have normalized to a 12 point font-size.
In that way, each Zoëga page fits nicely onto an A4 page.
That way the printer yields a large-size dictionary
which is considerably easier to read than Zoëga's original
fine print.

6) Italics: I have here followed Zoëga and made all English
dictionary definitions and translations of small sentences
in italic type. I have however NOT put any commas, periods
or semicolons in italic types. That seems to follow Zoëga's
original layout, and definitely makes for easier reading.

Best regards