>Though it may crush my girlish fanatasies, would you please elaborate
>on what makes their concept of "Vikings" so poor? Dress? Attitude?
>concepts of the afterlife? One glaring error in the script that caught
>my attention was the comment that "The Allfather weaves the skein of
>ones life".

If you're familiar with the website of the "Viking Answer Lady," you'll
find a (VERY) complete analysis of what is wrong and what is right with the
movie. The wrong list is much longer. Also included, if memory serves, is a
translation of the account of Ibn-Fadlan among the Rus (which served,
loosely, as the basis of the book, and thus indirectly, the movie. Yes, in
case you didn't know, there really is an account penned by an Arab of his
travels among the Rus [Vikings of the east]). I don't know the URL off the
top of my head; I'll see if I can find it.

I too enjoyed the movie, but don't expect any realism from it. It's
like watching "Star Wars" and then complaining about the science behind it -
it's fantasy fiction. Yes, there really was an Ibn-Fadlan. So what? There
really are stars in the sky, but that doesn't make "Star Wars" a reality,
nor an accurate depiction of historical space travel . . . :)

- Colin -

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