Thank you to all of you who responded to my pitiful plea for help. I
now have )hopefully) all I need to type my lessons.

Haukur, I wish I could listen to the sound posts. My sound card died
some time ago. One of these days I'll graduate to a new system. Until
then I found that I can order a 5 cassette tape box of what is
referred to as Old Icelandic. I doubt if it's the same thing but it
may at least give me a clue.

Oskar, I agree with your analysis that phrases in Old Norse might not
be that useful at the moment. However, I am hoping to, at some point,
be able to use some of what I learn when in Circle. I already do to
some extent, even though I can imagine many an ancient one turning in
his/her grave at my pronunciation.:{} Still, it feels good and it
feels right. Therefore, I stumble forward into lesson 5.
