Heill Óskar!
I went into the yahoogroups [norse_course] message area and did
a search for the string ".is/" and soon found the following
message by Haukur, dated December 4:
From: Haukur Thorgeirsson <haukurth@...>
Date: Mon Dec 4, 2000 12:45pm
Subject: Solutions to lesson one

I'm happy with how many sent in their solutions to
the first lessons. Most
of you did quite well, too.

I have added my solutions to the lesson's exercises
to the course website.


I think we should munch on this for a couple of more
days and then get
into lesson 2 (which is considerably more massive).

Further questions are welcome.

As you see, it is possible to find the URL there, but it was a bit hard
to determine what was the best string to look for. "http://" didn't
work very well, because there were to many yahoogroups URL's there.
But ".is/" did the trick among the 600 or so messages. Still, I think
it would be easier to have it as part of a short FAQ that is always there
and can be easily spotted. The FAQ doesn't have to be very long!


PS For those interested in the special character codes needed to
access Icelandic characters (iso-8850-l) on a number of different
computers, can find a table that is a graphic (GIF) at:
( the <Alt> + <Number> thing.)