I am not sure if this would be considered on topic or not, so my apologies if
it isn't. There'a a little debate I am involved in concerning a particular
bit of Völuspá. The two strophs (is that the correct terminology?) are

Hrymr ekr austan,
hefisk lind fyrir,
snýsk Jörmungandr
í jötunmóði.
Ormr knýr unnir,
en ari hlakkar,
slítr nái Niðfölr,
Naglfar losnar.

Kjóll ferr austan,
koma munu Múspells
um lög lýðir,
en Loki stýrir.
Fara fíflmegir
með freka allir,
þeim er bróðir
Býleists í för.

The debate is over whether or not the "sons of Muspell" are stated as riding
in the boat Naglfar as it fares from the east. I have consulted different
translations and it appears a little confusing. According to Simek the sons
of Muspell do fare in Naglfar. I thought this might be the best place to
come with this.

Also some of the translations consulted were Hollander, Terry and Thorpe.
Any opinions on the accuracy of these translations? Any opinions on Simek?
