Origin of eu-suffix in Greek agent nouns

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 70949
Date: 2013-02-16

I was comparing some Greek agent nouns, and it's appearing a clear pattern, with eu-suffix after o-grade agent nouns, in the formula  verb *CeC-, noun *CoC-os = noun *CoC-eus, as can be seen below:
phero: - phoros - phoreus
theino: - phonos - phoneus
speiro: - sporos - sporeus
gignomai - gonos - goneus
temno: - tomos - tomeus
trepho: - trophos - tropheus

There's a lot of discussion about eu-suffixed word as IE or non-IE origin? What's the current view? Is it possible that the suffixation gradually became useful to prevent IE alternation e/o?

JS Lopes