Re: Why the Proto-Indoeuropean numerals are not motivated within IE?

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 69693
Date: 2012-05-27

At 7:28:59 PM on Saturday, May 26, 2012, piervantrink wrote:

> *I suggest you the book "global etymolgies" of Merrit
> Ruhlen, in that book the author deals with shared lexical
> items across dozens of languages from all over the world
> and those shared lexical items are a legacy of the once
> proto world language spoken by the first "successful"
> modern human (successful in the sense that he was the most
> recent common progenitor of all humans living todays)

Waste of time: it's pseudo-scientific handwaving. If Ruhlen
ever knew what an etymology is, he'd forgotten by the time
he wrote that rubbish.
