Re: Gmc. w-/g-, j-/g-

From: stlatos
Message: 68110
Date: 2011-10-17

--- In, "stlatos" <stlatos@...> wrote:

> This uvular R usually > r in historical Gmc. Also, at:
> Winfred P. Lehmann, when discussing OHG r-preterites says: "The sequence assumed here for seventh class verbs is PIE /eXw/ [eXu], for first class verbs /yX/ [iX]. I suggest that in these sequences the laryngeals were preserved, and that their reflexes fell into the OHG r-phoneme."
> (note: Lehmann uses X to symbolize any "laryngeal"; I use it for the uvular fricative)
> He's on the right track, but only xW > XW and x() > X() by w, etc., underwent it, and only optionally X>R>r (scrían is probably from onom. * sqRiX- w/in Gmc, and has nothing to do with PIE yx).

Let's examine each group to see where Lehmann makes his mistakes:

In spí(w)an = spit, pe-spiren OHG; the root * spixw+ >> * spixunó+ > * spiXunó+ > * spiRunó+ (then ana. -u- > -o- as in most pp.).

In búan = dwell, biruun (pt 3p) OHG; the presence of -i- makes a reduplicated weak * bHe-bHux+ the likely source. Since in most Gmc reduplicated pt were reformed to get rid of the reduplication, the likely changes were:

* bHe-bHux+
* bHe-bHuX+
* bHe-uX+
* bHe-wX+
* bHewX+
* bHeXw+
* bHeRw+

with the opt. x()w met. seen in:

* mHixY-w+ (v) > mi:va:mi (1s) = grow fat S;

* mHixY-we-Ló+ (dim) = litte fat/round thing >
* mHiw-xYe-Ló+ > wh > ww / uw >
mývell = ball OIc; miggel = snowball Sw;

In scrían scrirun (pt 3p) OHG; scréon scríeþ (3s) scráh (pt 3s) scrigon (pt 3p) = cry (out) / proclaim OE; a new onom. sound * sqRiq- probably formed w/in Gmc, then >> verb sqRèiq+ etc, with * sqRiqonó+ > * sqRiXonó+ > * sqRiRonó+ > er-scrirena OHG; etc, optionally.