Re: New Indo-European etymological databases online (Brill website)

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 66716
Date: 2010-10-09

From: Torsten <tgpedersen@...>
Sent: Fri, October 8, 2010 8:54:19 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: New Indo-European etymological databases online (Brill website)


--- In, "dgkilday57" <dgkilday57@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Francesco Brighenti" <frabrig@> wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > As a native Italian speaker, I was so excited at seeing that even Michiel de Vaan's new _Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages_ is available as a searchable database on the IEDO website. On the other hand, it also appears that Robert S.P. Beekes' _Etymological Dictionary of Greek_ and Johnny Cheung's _Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb_, which used to be available for serch at the IEED Project website until not long ago, have been now moved to this new IEDO website (and they seem to be no longer available at the IEED Project website -- what a pity!).
> >
> > I, however, see that a username and password provided by a set of academic institutions are needed to access the IEDO databases. My problem is that I am not affiliated to any academic institution, and I cannot consequently access those very valuable etymological databases.
> >
> Look for a new hobby, such as refinishing antique chamber-pots. We are on the threshold of a new Dark Age, with access to knowledge restricted to the select few in their ivory towers. Soon it will be impossible for us peons, lacking credentials, to enter the research libraries of public universities. (And the library guards WILL be heavily armed. Knowledge is power, and power is too dangerous to be placed into the hands of the rabble.)

Right on, Douglas.
Also there will be some new type of copyright law in effect from 2012, which means much content will disappear from sites, and they themselves might have to close because of reduced trafic.
Also when all books have been scanned in by Google, except of course those that are evil, the same will happen to inter-library loans: they will be reduced to loans of evil books, easy to monitor.
Brother Jorge is takíng over the world.


The morality of all this, only Douglas the Day-Slayer and the Stone of Thor and their minions can save the planet from total ignorance. Maybe one of you Vikings can set up a Pirate Bay for books.