Re: Where and how developed die Jiddische Sproch

From: Torsten
Message: 66599
Date: 2010-09-14

> That would entail that the first Yiddish-speakers arrived in Bavaria
> with the Bavarians, speaking Bavarian, with Ariovistus or his
> immediate successors (which in turn would entail that the
> protoforms of the Oberdeutsch, Mitteldeutsch and Niederdeutsch
> dialects started as sociolects in Prezeworsk, with Oberdeutsch
> socially on top, as it is today).
> The protoforms of German evolved and differentiated from one
> another very late, especially in the Mittelhochdeutsch epoch,
> that is way after 1000-1200. So Przeworsk couldn't have played
> any role whatsoever, even if it had been deadsure that the
> German language's cradle would've been in the environment of
> the Przeworsk culture. Already in the 4th-7th-8th centuries the
> Germanic dialects were so mixed and dispersed and remixed and
> changed places in a "tohuwabohu" way, that makes no difference.

The question of whether one can show the development of the second Lautverschiebung in situ (ie in the traditional Upper German areas) is fascinating. As far as I can tell the idea that it is possible rests on the occurrence of the supposedly Swabian word 'cupa' "barrel" (instead of expected 'cufa' vel sim., German Kufe)
in the vita of St. Columbanus
by the monk Jonas
(BTW 'cup' should be replaced by 'coop')
But as is clear from the text,
Jonas' source was the companions of Jonas, who were Irish, and would have known at least the Latin word 'cupa' "barrel" (also as loan in Irish)

'cūpa, -ae f.:
tonne, barrique, cuve en bois, généralement en sapin,
cf. Plin.16,42,
et munie de cercles, comme nos tonneaux actuels,
cf. Pétr.Sat.60.
Sert surtout à contenir des liquides (uinum..., de cupa, Cic.Pis.67),
mais aussi des grains. Par ressemblance de forme:
niche dans un columbarium.
M.L. 2401. De là:
v.h.a. kuofa, all. Kufe;
irl. -cube, cupa, britt. cib, cibell.
De là
cūpārius: tonnelier;
cūpula: tonnelet; tombe; M.L.2410;
cūpella, M.L.2402.
V. cuppa.
skr. kú:pah. "trou, puits",
gr. κύπη• τρώγλη Hés. et
κύπελλον "verre à boire",
v.isl. húfr "coque de vaisseau".
Les rapprochements sont vagues comme presque toujours quand il s'agit de noms d'objets usuels.'

and possibly also
OE kýpa

which means they might have 'translated' a Swabian *-f- to their own
-p-, since the Germanic languages in England and on the Continent were then still close enough that speakers of the former could proselytize among the latter. I don't think that that single occurrence of 'cupa' is sufficient evidence alone for concluding that the 2nd LV took place 'in situ'.
