Re: Latin spissus, crassus, grossus, bassus

From: t0lgsoo1
Message: 66580
Date: 2010-09-12

>***R So crassus originally meant "fleshy"? That would make sense.
>Bassus wouldn't be originally Latin because of /b-/ but it may be
>P-Italic, Ligurian or Celtic, etc.
>We discussed grossus about 10 years ago or so and there should be
>something useful in the archives.

And what is then grassus? Made of crassus + grossus?
(fr. gras+grasse, es. graso, pt. pograxo, it. grasso, rum. gras)

(in Romanian, the "densus" is semantically linked to "crassus" +
"grossus" in a participle construction "îndesat" (în- + des + -at),
where "des" has much of the sense of "dense"; "îndesat" is 100%
translatable by the German "gedrungen", and has the meanings
"firmly built, stout, sturdy, compact, solid" -- whereas "gras"
means rather "obese"; and "gros" ("thick") can mean both: "indesat"
and "gras".)
