Res: [tied] Re: marko- = horse non IE ?

From: Tavi
Message: 66217
Date: 2010-06-21

--- In, "Tavi" <oalexandre@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Joao S. Lopes" josimo70@ wrote:
> >
> > Let's consider the parallel development of Latin equus in Romance,
> > when the usual and "regular" word was replaced by an alien caballus, who
> > would mean some particular kind of horse, later generalized (cf. Slavic
> > kobyla, Persian kaval, Turkish jaby, Finnish hebo).
> Latin caballus is a loanword from Gaulish *ca-ballos. This word comes
> from some reflex of PNC *bHaK\K\i 'young one, young (of animals)' (a
> root to which I referred in an earlier post) plus a prefix *ka-.
Sorry, I was wrong. Actually, this is an Altaic Wanderwort *kúmle 'foal' < *kúlme 'a k. of ungulate', the Slavic form being of course the closest one.