dive (was Re: Sos-)

From: Torsten
Message: 65878
Date: 2010-02-21

> Her's my take on it:
> The PIE ablaut series
> -ei-/-oi-/-i-
> the basis of Germanic class 1 strong verbs,
> Sweet's 'drive' conjugation
> and
> -eu-/-ou-/-u-,
> the basis of Germanic class 2 strong verbs,
> Sweet's 'choose' conjugation
> are *not* original. The vowels underlying these paradigms is PPIE
> i: and u:, respectively. Their ablaut patterns are remodeled after
> that of PPIE a:, which became the PIE ablaut vowel, with three
> grades resulting from the position relative to the stress, thus:
> PPIE -á-/´-a-/-a-´ -> PIE -é-/´-o-/-Ø-´
> The original ablaut patterns of the reflexes of i: and u:,
> resulting from phonological prodesses alone, might have been
> PPIE -í:-/´-i:-/-i:-´ -> PIE -éI-/´-i-/-i-´
> and
> PPIE -ú:-/´-u:-/-u:-´ -> PIE -óU-/´-u-/-u-´
> but were remodeled, as said, after the pattern of the reflex of
> PPIE a:, possibly by influence from a language in which ablaut was
> standard procedure, eg. a Semetic one, as Vennemann would have it.
> I think that Kuhn's ar-/ur- language, or NWB I (non-IE?), is where
> these words were likely taken from, and that it happened so early
> that some of the loans underwent the analogical change u: ->
> eu/ou/u. That is the reason we meet verbs both in -u:- and -eu-
> here; the latter were probably loaned from NWB I into some IE
> language (NWB II (Venetic?)) before the analogical change of i: and
> u:, whereas the former were loaned into some IE language after that
> change had taken place.
> Original form in the ar-/ur- language: *daN- (*duN-)
> The latter alternated (after denasalisation)
> *du:-/*duG-/*duw- (similar seen in Danish)
> 'Venetic Verschärfung' (*w- > *b-, *w- -> *g-)
> *du:-/*dug-/*dub-
> Prenasalisation of voiced stops in the pretonic syllable:
> *dú:-/*dúg-/*dúb-/*dung´-/*dumb´-
> 'Half-Grimm' (I'll have to come up with an explanation for the d-)
> *dú:-/*dúk-/*dúp-/*dunk´-/*dump´-
> and the verbs in -éu- must, as I said, be early loans.

I think I'll write out all the variants.

Original form in the ar-/ur- language: *daN- (*duN-)



'Venetic Verschärfung' (*w- > *b-, *w- -> *g-)

Prenasalisation of voiced stops in the pretonic syllable:


We could do that again with a root *saN- "slush", and get


which would solve the 'Suomi' mystery


Lauri Kettunen
Livisches Wörterbuch

'sa:me-mo: SjW Ösel (vgl. so:r-mo:).
[< lt. sa:mu zeme, ltDn. sa:mz`e:m, nach Endz. < liv. sa:r-ma:.
Dürfte eher mit *so:me- zusammenhängen,
vgl. auch sa:mli. —
SjW sa:me kann mit seinem e nicht faktisch sein.]

sa:mli, pl. st SjW öselaner (vgl. so:rli).
[< lt.; ltDn. sa:mets, plur. sa:mes^.
S. sa:me-mo:.]

so:rli, pl. -st, livW så:rli, pl. -st, (Sal. sa:rli)
bewohner der insel Ösel, (früher überhaupt:) este.
[Est. saarlane, fi. saare-lainen bewohner einer insel.]

so:r-mo:, livW så:r-må: (Sal. Sa:rma:)
Ösel, (früher:) Estland (in den ethnographischen grenzen);
s.-m. -ke:l´ die estnische sprache.
[Est. Saaremaa, fi. Saarenmaa Ösel.]

sùo, pl. -D, prt. pl. sùod´i sumpf, morast;
ku:rg&^d_jelàb&^_sùos^s&^ die kraniche leben im sumpfe;
s.-àyna im sumpf gewachsenes gras (vgl. mo:n-àyna); Lr. I 227:
s.-jemà, -ä:ma (myth.) die sumpfmutter,
s.-lap:st (myth.) die sumpfkinder.
[Est. soo, fi. suo.]

sùoji (od. sùolimi), pl. -st sumpfig;
sùojist ni:tt&^D sumpfige wiesen;
le`p_sùojiz_mo: (= syegàm&^l sùo-mo:k^k&^ks)
durch mit sumpfland gemengten boden.
[Vgl. est. soine, fi. soinen.]

sùom, pl. -&^D bewohner Finnlands, finne, Finnland;
s. mo: Finnland;
mi`nn_um pu:rinit&^m&^st sùom&^ (Lz^.) ich muss nach Finnland segeln;
ma tu`l´ sùom&^st (Lz^.) ich kam aus Finnland;
(Ir.: ne`i ki:t^tist vanast so wurde früher gesagt);
vgl. pin´:, pin´:-mo:.
[Wahrsch. — wenigstens durch das est. — von alters her bekannt.
Est. Soome, fi. Suomi.]

sùomili (?)(Lz^.) finnisch.
[Wohl statt sùomi od. sùomli.]

sùomli, pl. -st finne.
[Est. soomlane, fi. suomalainen.]

sWon´:m&^z, swon´:m&^-ki`uv
stein zum beschweren des netzes (kleiner als vo:r´);
schnur für den stein (Lz^.);
i:`tkYeùdiz_ver:g&^n so:b&^t_sùon´&^D, ko:`t-kYewdiz_verg&^n vo:r´&^d_ju:`r&^ si`tt&^D
netzen mit einem strick werden kleinere, netzen mit zwei stricken grössere steine angebunden.
[>lt. sonnis. ? Anal., statt *sùon´-ki`uv, zu sùor´ (s. das);
sWon´: ja:lga (s. ja:lga) wurde viell. aus sehne hergestellt.]

zum:p^p&^ (SjW auch sum:`p) muffig werden;
järà zum:p^p&^n muffig geworden:
legìl´ vet^tàb_zum:p^p&^n&^ks e:n´ts^ta (Sr.)
das tragetönnchen wird muffig.
[Vgl. est. sumbunud muffig.]

zun:`t, zun:D, pl. zu:nt^t&^D, zu:nd&^D meerenge, sund;
nut^tab&^t_pa zun:t^td&^ks wird z. genannt.'

The forms with z- are perhaps loans from Gmc.?

and on the connection to supposed PIE *pen- "swamp"

Instead a loan *paN- ? Cf.

1 pin´: (Sal. pinli), pl. pi`n´n´&^D (neu: sùomli, pl. -st)
finne (finnländer);
s. pin´-mo:, pi`n´n´&^mìez.

pin´:-mo: (Sal. Pinnema:) Suomi (Finnland).'

and, believe it or not

'pim:`s^, pl. pi:ms^s^uD, prt. sg. pims^s^a: (Lz^.) penis;
pid`p_p. pi`us (Lz^.) er hält seinen penis in der hand;
s. pi:mp^pa.'

cf. Piotr's old etymology of 'Finn'.


the forms with sVl- are most likely from *saN-l-, those with sVr from *saN#
