"I’ve even written a work in Getic,where savage words are set to It

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 65204
Date: 2009-10-09

Ovid - a Getic Poet
"I've even written a work in Getic,
where savage words are set to Italian metres."
"When I read it aloud, not penned by my native Muse,
and the last page came beneath my fingers,
they nodded their heads and their full quivers,
and there was a long murmur from Getic mouths.
And one said: `Since you write all this about Caesar,
you ought to be restored to Caesar's dominions.'"

Book EIV.XIII:1-50 Ovid wrote a poem in Getic.
And you shouldn't marvel if my art's defective,
since I've almost turned into a Getic poet.
Ah! Shameful: I've even written a work in Getic,
where savage words are set to Italian metres.
My theme, you ask? You'd praise me: I speak of Caesar.
My new attempt was helped by a god's power.
I tell how the body of our father, Augustus, was mortal,
but his spirit has passed to the domains of heaven:
and Tiberius is equal to his father in virtue, taking
up the reins of empire, often refused, when asked:
and you Livia are the Vesta of modest mothers,
whether worthier of son or husband is unclear:
and two sons, a powerful help to their father,
have given true pledges of their courage.
When I read it aloud, not penned by my native Muse,
and the last page came beneath my fingers,
they nodded their heads and their full quivers,
and there was a long murmur from Getic mouths.
And one said: `Since you write all this about Caesar,
you ought to be restored to Caesar's dominions.'
That's what he said: but already, my Carus,
the sixth winter sees me exiled under the icy pole.
