Re: Afro-Asiatic substrate (re "folk" "polk" "pulkas")

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 64468
Date: 2009-07-29

On 2009-07-29 18:07, Anatoly Guzaev wrote:

> Sviatopolk seems to be the same name as South-Slavic, I think Serbian,
> Svetolik ('white face', 'white effigy'). Of course, svet could also mean
> 'world, holy, sacred, sacremental', but all these meanings are derived
> from the word svetlo 'light' (cf. Eng. white).

No, they aren't. The homonymy of the two words in some Slavic languages
is accidental, due to local mergers of *e^ and *eN. The name
*sveNto-pUlkU is attested in languages preserving the Slavic nasal
vowels, so there can be no doubt as to the identity of the first element.
