Re: Latin re:ne:s 'kidneys'

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 64143
Date: 2009-06-12

On 2009-06-11 21:20, alexandru_mg3 wrote:

> The 'current' derivation of Latin r:ene:s is a zero grade *h2h2r-en-

The reduplication won't work for Latin (if something like *h2a-h2r-o-
underlies the cognate set proposed by Adams in the EIEC). A zero grade
in _both_ the reduplication and the root (*h2-h2r-) is an unheard-of
type of formation in IE. Little wonder that Adams doesn't suggest such
an analysis. Instead, he has _unreduplicated_ *h2r-é:n, which is of
course a possibility, albeit a speculative one. Its plausibility depends
on the interpretation of *h2ar-; *h2r-én(t)- looks like a lexicalised
participle, and *h2a-h2r-o- looks like a *kWe-kWl-o- type deverbal
reduplication, but at the moment I can't offer any brilliant ideas as
regards the identity/meaning of the root.
