Re[2]: [tied] PGmc question

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 63693
Date: 2009-03-30

At 11:26:08 PM on Sunday, March 29, 2009, Andrew Jarrette


> The similar-looking ON *Jo:r can come from a hypothetical
> *eur-, or the actual *ehwaz 'horse' (> *e:waz or similar >
> *e:wz > *e:uz > *e:oz > *eo:z > *io:z > *jo:z > *jo:r; or
> some similar process of development, I don't know the
> actual steps in the process of *ehwaz > jo:r);

Probably something like *ehwaz > *iOhwR > *jO(:)wR > *jo:r.

> OE *E:or (in all other dialects) would come from *eur- or
> *euz- or *ehr- or *ehur- or *ehwr- (and in later periods
> also *i:hur or *ihur etc.), but no such words exist as far
> as I know. But note that in both these hypothetical cases
> the OE and ON diphthongs are long

ON doesn't have a long/short distinction for diphthongs.
