Re: My version

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 63338
Date: 2009-02-21

At 3:29:24 PM on Saturday, February 21, 2009, Francesco
Brighenti wrote:

> Your inherent suggestion that Afrikaans is no longer
> considered a dialect of Dutch may well be correct,
> particularly since it has been committed to writing for a
> century now; yet I had heard somewhere that many scholars
> still today define it as an extraterritorial dialect of
> Dutch. By doing a search on the Google Books website, I
> found the confirmation that this wasn't just a blunder of
> mine due to bad memory. Please check my search results out
> by yourself:


Looking only at the brief previews on those two pages of
search returns, I see only one that clearly identifies
Afrikaans as a Dutch dialect. Most note that it evolved
from Dutch dialects, some pose the question of whether it's
a Dutch dialect, and at least one clearly says that it's not
a Dutch dialect.

I have no doubt that some people still consider it an
extra-territorial dialect of Dutch. As my previous comments
on the subject should have made clear, I don't consider this
a linguistic question, and from a socio-political point of
view Afrikaans and Dutch are clearly different languages.
