Re: 'BLOW UP' = 'EXPLOSION' was re: Push (3)

From: tgpedersen
Message: 62469
Date: 2009-01-12

--- In, Anatoly Guzaev <anatoly_guzaev@...>
> First, I think, we should see if there is (and what is) difference
> between words explosion and expulsion?
> Second, is Russian пуля (bullet) a French loanword (or a borrowing
> from Polish kula, later influenced by the verb палить-palit' burn,
> singe, parch), or it has been derived from the Russian word пухлый-
> pukhlyj (plump, rotund); Cz. oblý (round), Lat. bulla (a round
> swelling, knob). Polish kula (bullet) is possibly related to German
> Kugel (ball) and Czech kulka (bullet), probably from Slavic*klubo-k
> (Russ. клубок ball) and *kolo- 'circle, wheel, cycle'; also
> Serb.-Cr. kugla, Ä`ule 'cannon ball'.
'1. kula, bula = fsv. = isl. kula, ä.
da. kule (jämte sv. dial. o. no. kul) =
mlty. kule ds., med avljudsformen mhty.
kiule, klubba (ty. keule); liksom sv.
dial. kyl, påse, buk, o. isl. kjöll, skepp
(= fhty. kiol, ägs. céol) innehållande
en /-utvidgning av ie. roten gut vara
välvd o. d., i t. ex. grek. gýalon, håla,
dal, osv. (se kjusa), jfr med avs. på
betyd.-skiftningen kula 2 o. under dal,
huv, kub b, kupa. - Betyd.
"gevärskula" beror på inverkan från det möjl.
obesläktade ty. kugel.'

Danish has 'kugle' /kuGl&/ or /ku:l&/. It's strange that the laws of
phoneme alternation in Danish (here /G/ = /u:/) means that the
otherwise incompatible variants *kul- and *kugl- are unified. Most
linguists would say convergence in Danish, in me it causes a suspicion
that the substrate language from which it came had a phoneme
alternation law similar to the one mentioned. (I seeem to recall
Jouppe had some similar of dialect variation -eu-/-ep-/-ek- in Finnish?).

