Re: *y-n,W- "subordinate"?

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 61729
Date: 2008-11-19

On 2008-11-19 01:00, tgpedersen wrote:

> 3. yeu- "jung",
> Positiv yuwen- (: yu:n-),
> Kompar. yew-yos.

That's what happens if you use Pokorny ignoring more recent scholarship.
There is in fact no *jeu- 'young', and *juwen-/*ju:n- has to be
rewritten as *h2jú-h3(o)n-, e.g. a Hoffmann construction in which the
first element is the acrostatic neuter *h2oju/*h2aju- 'vitality' = Skt.
a:yu with the secondary weak stem *h2jew- > Skt. yo- (--> reduced and
compositional *h2ju-). The Hoffmann element was ignored when the
comparative was formed in dialectal IE on the basis of the neo-full
grade: *h2jéw-ios-.

The Germanic 'young' word is further extended with the suffix *-k^ó-
(cf. Skt. yuvas'á-, Lat. iuvencus):

*h2ju-h3n.-k^ó- > *ju(w)unxá- (GL) > *junGa- (with the pre-cluster
shortening of *u: < *uu).

The PGmc. comparative of that was *júnx-izan- (no VL because of the
pre-Gmc. root accent typical of comparatives) > *ju:~xizan- > *ju:xizan-
(Goth. ju:hiza, archaic ON ø:re).

The *n, when it occurs, comes from the Hoffmann element and is not part
of the root.
