Re: oldest places- and watername in Scandinavia

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 61496
Date: 2008-11-09

At 3:19:19 PM on Sunday, November 9, 2008, tgpedersen wrote:


> It just occurred to me that 'take' is a class VI verb,

Nope. ON <taka> is Class VI, but Goth. <tekan> is Class
VII. (Ringe reconstructs *te:kanã, *teto:k, *teto:kun,
*te:kanaz. Others of this type are *gre:tanã 'weep',
*le:tanã 'let', *re:danã 'advise', *se:anã 'sow', *we:anã
'blow (of wind)', and probably *hWe:tanã 'push
(continuously), drive out'.)
