Re: Re[2]: [tied] Re: [pieml] Labiovelars versus Palatals + Labiovel

From: Arnaud Fournet
Message: 61236
Date: 2008-11-02

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian M. Scott" <BMScott@...>
> [I had written:]
>>>> (By the way, every serious linguistic description of
>>>> French that I've read gives French three glide phonemes,
>>>> /w/, /j/, and /turned-h/.)
>> The Petit Robert which is the first dictionary of French
>> edited by people with a real linguistic background
>> uncommittingly writes theses sounds as sounds within [ ].
> Which shows that its editors are offering phonetic
> pronunciation guides rather than a phonemic analysis and
> makes it irrelevant to the question under discussion.
> Brian
That's right,
My observation did not say something else.

but you have not provided any reference for a "serious" analysis !
