Re: Negau

From: tgpedersen
Message: 60489
Date: 2008-09-29

--- In, "Andrew Jarrette" <anjarrette@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Andrew Jarrette" <anjarrette@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > An impressive list, I see why so many support a fairly close
> > relationship between Semitic and Indo-European, only to what
> > extent is it borrowing one way or the other?
> >
> I want to say that correspondences outside of Semitic-Indo-European
> correspondences, I have always believed to be mainly coincidences
> (if not borrowings), possibly due in part to onomatopoeia producing
> similar sound sequences among different peoples in words for the
> same objects or phenomena. I am not yet a big supporter of the
> Nostratic hypothesis or other pan-Eurasian language theories
> (acknowledging that I have read about them chiefly in this forum).

The list was intended to be seen as evidence for borrowing. Otherwise
one would be claiming that people knew agriculture at the time of the
earliest language splits, which is obviously not true.
