Re: Germanic Child?

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 60014
Date: 2008-09-14

At 12:25:04 PM on Sunday, September 14, 2008, Piotr
Gasiorowski wrote:

> On 2008-09-14 17:49, Richard Wordingham wrote:

>> I can't see how to get Old English _cild_ from Germanic
>> *kilþam. Why /d/?

> It's a regular change in WGmc. (via *-lð-, perhaps
> independently in different WGmc. languages). Typical
> examples include <fealdan, feld, gold, wilde> etc.

Does <gold> belong here? OHG has <gold>, which, like ON
<gull> and Goth. <gulþ->, should be from *gulþa-. For what
it's worth, Ringe includes this one with other neuter
a-stems in which the daughters show different resolutions of
a Verner's law alternation in what were originally derived
