Re: Res: [tied] Latin animals' names -R (rhotacism?)

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 59687
Date: 2008-07-29

On 2008-07-29 17:21, tgpedersen wrote:

> In what way do they *tur(t)-, *vul(t)- and *pass- ?

They coo, tear into carrion and flutter. I would suggest *ter- 'speak,
utter' (*tr.-t(e)r-, with *r.C > *orC > urC as often in Latin; all those
IE "tetr-" words meaning 'black grouse' or 'capercailzie' may be
related), *welh2- 'wound, tear' (*welh2-t(o)r-), and perhaps something
as simple as *pet- 'fly' (*p&t-t(e)r-, with a secondary weak vowel
[schwa secundum] and *-tt- > -ss-).
