Re: Scientist's etymology vs. scientific etymology

From: tgpedersen
Message: 59192
Date: 2008-06-10

> Dansk Etymologisk Ordbog:
> 'II. kvase v., dial.
> 1. "walk in soft/wet terrain producing a resounding sloshing sound"
> 2. "squeeze, press, crush soft things"
> 3. "become crushed"
> Da.dial. also kvasse,
> Sw.dial. kvasa "splash, slosh",
> MLG quas(s)en, quatzen "eat, devour"
> Germ. quatschen "make a sloshing sound"
> in ablaut relationship to kvæste
> cf II kvas, I kvase, kvaske
> II kvas "squashing sound; crushed mass", MDa, Nw. id. stem of II
> kvase, cf I kvas
> I kvas n. n. "dry, thin branches",
> MDa. kvass,
> No, Sw.dial. kvas, from PIE *gWos-, ablaut form of *gWes-, see kost
> ["broom"]. Acc. to another theory id. to II kvas (or ell. from
> kvasbrænde [brænde "firewood"]?) and then org. "firewood squashed
> together"
> kvæste "injure by hitting, crush, maim, hurt";
> No. kveste,
> reshaped from MDa. ppp kvæst to the inf. kvæsse which - as the corr.
> Sw. form kväsa 'humiliate, dominate, keep down" - is borrowed from
> MLG quessen, quetsen "crush, damage, injure", corr. to MHG quetzen,
> German quetschen "squash, crush, injure";
> to PIE *gWedh- "push, injure, destroy";
> like e.g.
> Da. II kvase,
> Lith. gendù, gesti "be injured, destroy",
> Greek dénnos "humiliation, shame"
> Sanskr. gandh- "push, stab, injure"'

and ibd.
I kvase "well smack"

and cf.
'Kvasiti – soak, drench;
put an object into the water or pour liquid onto;'
