Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 58638
Date: 2008-05-19

----- Original Message -----
From: "kishore patnaik" <kishorepatnaik09@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists

> Torsten,
> The very tone that you are adopting smacks of racial bigotry.
I did not notice that feature.

Remember the straw and the beam ?


> Just as we should not mix up Politics and History ie Politics should not
> dictate what should be the ancient past

I have studied Indo-European and lingustics for years
and I have not imagined even a second that PIE could come from India.
Your political agenda is precisely what dictates
your preconceived (and phoney) OIT past.
When do you plan to start applying your proposed distinction ?

> Same way, what is the guarantee that you have one leg in smack and getting
> all the borrowings TO sanskrit all wrong?? there is no guarantee. There is
> no counter check. There is nothing to tally your linguistic conclusions
> with
> any other science.

What is the reason Linguistics should have to justify its conclusions
in the light of something else ?
Historical linguistics has its own heuristic program,
its own methods, its own conclusions,
its own self-assessment.

You say you are not anti-linguist?
That's true,
In fact, you are a negationist of linguistics.
That's worse.


>Under the circumstances, it is more sensible to dismiss
> all your conclusions to the waste bin , when most of them are wrought by
> pre
> concieved ideas.

This sentence makes me think
we should get rid of these OIT idiots and their insane poison.
> Kishore patnaik

I'm afraid people like you
will sooner or later convince me
that the word "India" is the most powerful
