Re: PIE initial *a

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 58516
Date: 2008-05-15

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Ryan" <proto-language@...>

>> ======
>> I don't need this.
>> I'm just pointing at a weakness in your system.
>> If you claim e: a: o: a: are vowels,
>> you need to prove that they appear in any context.
>> Like English /ai/ and /au/ which appear anywhere
>> including in f-i-nd and f-ou-nd.
>> Where are your Ce:nC-os ?
>> Ca:nC-os ? Co:nC-os ?
>> Arnaud
>> =========
> *e:, *a:, and *o: are entities independent of any theory of mine as to how
> they arose.
> It is not a requirement for any vowel that it appear "anywhere" as opposed
> to in some contexts.
> ***

English has /ai/ /ei/ /au/ as phonological vowels
because these complex vowels appear anywhere with no restriction.

This is not the case in French.
Something like paint /peint/ or change /c^eindz^/
is absolutely precluded by modern French phonology.
change /c^eindz^/ must be converted into /c^enz^/ or /c^e~z^/
Which are utterable.

You need to exhibit examples of
Ce:nC-os ?
Ca:nC-os ?
Co:nC-os ?

If you don't have any,
it proves that e: a: o: have to be analyzed as voyelle + H

Complex Phonemes (and long vowels are complex) are phonemes because they
have no distributional restrictions.

You may not understand that,
but it's basic phonology.

