Re: PIE initial *a

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 58477
Date: 2008-05-14

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Ryan" <proto-language@...>
>> =====
>> *a is conspicuous rare and does not enter in any morphological
>> alternation.
>> This is the major fact in favor of the standard theory.
>> Arnaud
>> ==============
> ***
> Patrick:
> *a does not figure in any morphological alternation (Ablaut/apophony)
> because it was not a possible outcome of *A(blautvokal), which had only
> *e, *o, *°, and *Ø as possibilities.

You previously alleged examples of *a
reflected as <a>.
Now *a is the same as *e and *o !!

You are so incredibly incoherent
from one day to the next.
