Re: Magyar uveg

From: tolgs001
Message: 58128
Date: 2008-04-27

>Thanks for explanation but it wasn't necessary. All Stand. Hung.
>forms and their meanings have been written down from SZTAKI (caps
>not mine) Hungarian-English Dictionary:

Yes, but not everybody knows sztaki, and sztaki by far doesn't cover the
flexion aspects.

>"Although not found in Budapest, about half of all Hungarian speakers
>distinguish phonemic "ë" /e/ from /E/ and /e:/. An example is
>orthographic _mentek_, which in 'Regional Standard' represents four

This is kinda "narrow transcription" bunkum, i.e. superfluous
complication. Why the heck put there an <e> with an Umlaut, when the
/ae/ font fully
suffices?! (Okoskodó banda.) Besides, the Hungarian orthography is
highly "phonetical."

>a _söpör_, _vödör_ alakok használatosak a keleten megszokott
>_seper_, _veder_ alakokkal szembe

Yeah, that's right, typical exactly of the region where Romanians use
the word (u)iagä.

>A köznyelvi ó, õ, é helyén nyitódó típusú kettõshangzók vannak
>jelen: _vuot_, _juoszág_, _üdüõ_, _kiët_, _kiëz_"

These belong to another subdialectal group, but I can understand
their idiosyncrasy, because they resemble those in the aforementioned
area, e.g. /vout/ instead of standard /volt/, /jou/ and even /j&u/ instead
of /jo:/ (the equivalents of the two examples mentioned above).

> "[...] Az asszimiláció nagyon erõs: erre példa, hogy a _mëg-_ igeköto"
> g-je hasonul az ige elsõ mássalhangzójához: _mëttölt_, _mëffog_."

> <>

What's this? One half of those words over there are Romanian
words spelled in the Hungarian way. And the pronunciation (I've heard
by real Csángós) is that of any Romanian throughout who isn't able to
pronounce Hungarian words in a proper way. I wouldn't take them as
an example of dialectal or subdialectal phonetics group.


What's the reason for this list? The Umlaut-e is nonetheless
superfluous, it is to no avail.

> Askify then: <õ> = <o">, <û> = <u">.

Hungarian ASCII spelling on the Net has been for about fourteen years
now <õ> and <ô>, and <û>. <o"> and <u"> are also possible, of course,
but they're non-"professional", awkward.

> RFC 1345: <>

Na mostmár ne vidd túlzásba, ne hülyéskedj.
