Re: Lsryngo delendum est

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 56455
Date: 2008-04-02

----- Original Message -----
From: Patrick Ryan
> =================
> I think people are tired of explaining you
> obvious facts that you don't take into account.
> Even Chinese displays clear and strong
> indication that laryngeals in PIE existed
> and were kept different until very close
> to present day.
> Arnaud
> ============


And what is your "Chinese" proof?

I have been working hard on my new essay, and need a good laugh.



Chinese xu4 "raw silk, thread" < *sneH1-
Baxter *snjaH

Chinese xiu4 "embroider" < *syewH1
Baxter *sjuwH

Chinese xiu4 "sleeve" < *sluH-(bh)
Baxter *zluwH-

PIE loanwords with H1 pharyngeal unvoiced
causing QuSheng.

H2 causes ShangSheng.
As in kuH2on "dog" > quan3.
Baxter *kuHen
Cf. PAA kvHvn "dog"

What about your essay ?
I need a good laugh too.

