Re: Finnish KASKI

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 56022
Date: 2008-03-27

----- Original Message -----
From: jouppe

> First explain me :
> How is it possible that
> supposedly *ü can become
> any of jo e ä e u
> in Moksha.
> First do that.
> Arnaud
> =================
> süks'i : Moksha çjokçja
- - - - -
Here we do have regular vowel correspondecies in Saami, Mari, Vogul
and Ostyak. Irregular in Mordvin and irreg/conditioned? in Hungarian.
What you are trying to sell is that
H regularly becomes a in IE languages
Greek with a e o is irregular
and Skrt with i as a irreg/conditioned change.

Everything in your theory is upside down.

Finnish uber alles...

Why don't you claim that PIE for father
was *Hter as in Irish ather
the p in the other languages is an irregular development !

