Re: Finnish KASKI

From: etherman23
Message: 55947
Date: 2008-03-26

--- In, "jouppe" <jouppe@...> wrote:
> Could this system do away with ü and ï then??
> Jouppe

Sammallahti's system can be reduced to /i u e o/ with no vowel harmony
very simply:

i...i > i...i
i...e > i...a
i...u > ü...i
i...o > ü...a
e...i > e...i
e...e > e...a
e...u > ä...i
e...o > ä...a
u...i > ï...i
u...e > ï...a
u...u > u...i
u...o > u...a
o...i > a...i
o...e > a...a
o...u > o...i
o...o > o...a

The transition comes in 4 stages:
1) Regressive rounding harmony (umlaut)
2) Loss of rounded feature in non-initial syllables (due to lack of
primary stress)
3) Progressive frontness harmony (vowel harmony)
4a) ë > a
4b) ö > ä
4c) e > ä in non-initial syllables