Re: dhuga:ter ('LARYNGEALS')

From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Message: 55908
Date: 2008-03-25

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 13:17:03 +0100, Piotr Gasiorowski
<gpiotr@...> wrote:

>On 2008-03-25 12:33, fournet.arnaud wrote:
>> asgwrn is bone not eye.
>You misunderstood what Miguel was saying. <asgwrn> is part of the
>evidence for *a in 'bone' (so are, e.g., OIr. asna 'rib' < *h2ast-n-io-,
>Gk. astrágalos 'knuckle'). He meant that Arm. akn was equally good
>evidence for *a in the 'eye' word. I don't quite agree with that, since
>a prothetic vowel from vocalised *h3 is possible in the Arm. word (if
>from *h3(o)kW-mn- [cf. Gk. ómma], with a generalised weak stem).

Of course. But isn't vocalized *h3 also an option in the
Celtic words?

I actually agree that "bone" is *h2óst-{}, weak stem

As to "eye", it could be *h3ekW-{}/*h3kw-{} or
*h3okW-{}/*h3ekW-{}, of course, but I have some theoretical
objections against *h3VkW- as a root (with two labialized
segments on both sides of the vowel). I would rather expect
*h1okW- and/or *h3ok(^)-, with dissimilation.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal